“The harvest is abundant, the workers are few. Ask therefore the Lord (the King) of the harvest that he send out workers into his harvest.” – Matthew 9:37
I feel a bit wobbly in these days of re-opening on one front and outrage on another. This word has helped me focus. Kings don’t normally place themselves in harvests. The Kingdom has a harvesting King. This Lord never calls us to a task that He has not already taken into Himself. We will never encounter any situation where Jesus has not preceded us.
Remember His response when the Greeks came looking for him (Jn. 12:20-26). His glory is tied to an agricultural metaphor. A seed must die for an abundant crop to exist. There is no harvest without death. The King of kings is the Seed which “falls into the earth and dies.” His radical, self-denying love reveals the life of true holiness.
Do you think it is any accident that the written notice above the head of the Crucified Jesus, read, The King of the Jews? They ironically mocked this King because the last thing He would ever do was to come down from that Cross. He reigns first from a Cross and then the Throne. Everyone who follows Jesus knows and joins that line of progress. There is no other life-giving ministry.
What do we do? Point to Him. We have only one Message – He is the King. Some plant, others water, but both the life and abundance of the harvest is His doing from start to finish.
We are to be proclaimers, ambassadors, servants of this King and His Kingdom. For if He is our King, then it is His ministry, His funding, His program, and His people. He has one desire to manifest His royal glory through your being. Our job is to not get His way. If we do that, He will reap His harvest. That is His kingly promise.
Lord Jesus, plant us where you will as subjects of truth and love in Your harvest Kingdom. Amen.