Matthew 28:17-20: “Kingship”
"I am repeatedly encouraged that when I see Jesus. He can remind me that He is the King and authority over every issue."
And when they saw Him, they fell down before Him. And some doubted. And Jesus came up and spoke to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all ethnicities…. Know that I am with you always.”
Matthew 28:17-20
Nearly every day some horrific news story knocks me down, but I am repeatedly encouraged that when I see Jesus. I fall before Him in worship. It is from that posture that He can remind me that He is the King and authority over every issue. Therefore, I can, with a clear mind, get up and do my job.
Rather than talking about God, it’s more hopeful to speak to Him. Jesus, we lift our eyes and souls unto You this day. You are our King, enthroned, and absolute authority of the cosmos.
You have a Kingdom for Your world into which we have been invited. We are humbled that You, Lord of all the earth, know us, want us, love us and watch over every aspect of our lives.
We listen to Your alluring voice of mercy calling to us to be a part of Your very Life. We are drawn to You and Your heart for Your broken world.
We give ourselves to You. We are not our own. We belong to the King of Kings whose very essence is to be sacrificial. We know Your Kingdom is exactly like You on earth as it is in heaven.
As we venture into today, into Your broken world, as Your workers, we sacrificially offer our lives to Your Kingdom’s purposes. Pour Your servant nature into our beings – heart, soul, mind and body, so that we are Your Message through our words, deeds and work.
Come, King Jesus, and fill this office space and day with Your presence. Speak to us. Encourage and strengthen us. Fill us. Send us from Your Kingdom, as Your Kingdom, for Your Kingdom, because You love and desire to rescue Your world. We’re honored to be partakers of Your Message and Your Mission, in Jesus’ Name.